Wednesday, 31 October 2012

In a spin

Head - oil on gessoed paper 2010
All go. Finishing the framing of the Di Filippo wines Novello d'Autore paintings for Saturday evening's launch in Perugia.

Saturday, 27 October 2012

being watched

standing stone
Still fixating on Mt Subasio above Assisi, there is something so open about the the place so disturbingly vacant, soleless and wild and yet all  there is this hidden or semi hidden humanity. You can be alone up there but it always feels to me as if you're being watched. It really is the stuff of Peter Cushing....

Friday, 19 October 2012


Reading Van Gogh's letters and thinking about yellow. I find it a disturbing colour, not because of v.G. I'm not sure why - to me it is not sunny (usually) unless its a very warm or dirty yellow. Anything bright and acidy I can hardly bear to look at. Some time ago I painted this wounded dog. The only colour I could think to describe his pain was yellow.
Valentino's Dog

Sunday, 14 October 2012

me, monti and the renaissance

me, monti and the renaissance - acrylic and collage on paper
here's hoping

Friday, 5 October 2012


self as an automaton
Not a lot of time at the moment. The stopwatch is on.