Saturday, 14 June 2014

Diary of a painting 14 june 2014

Saturday 14 june 2014

Saturday 14 june 2014
Had a bit of unexpected time in the studio this afternoon after a visit from the Adagio group of the Ramblers to see the grove and taste some oil this morning - slaving over a hot BBQ - well not exactly slaving. Anyway put a couple more layers on this pm

Friday, 6 June 2014

Diary of a painting

This is how it's coming along….
Wednesday 4th June 2014

Friday 6th June 2014

Friday 6th June 2014

Tuesday, 3 June 2014

HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY - Diary of a painting

3 June 2014
3 June 2014

Well finally I'm in the new studio and just getting back to work, painting paintings and not walls. HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY.
Here is an update on the painting i have been documenting the progress of. Put another couple of layers on this afternoon. easing myself in….