Wednesday, 4 March 2015

monotypes stages 4 and 5 - monotipi fase 4 e 5

A bit lost for word today. - not like me… just a plough on day. working across these monotypes - there are about 10 at last count - trying to keep them at roughly the same stage so they don't get away on me

With a lovely dentist appointment at the end of it. 
Why are dental hygienist such savages?

All is not lost I have just been handed a nice glass of Sauvignon

Sunday, 1 March 2015

chaos reigns - che casino

Chaos reigns as I'm trying get some projects that I've had in mind, half completed or in bits finished off. Amongst these are three heads I have been thinking about for months. 

Che casino mentre sto cercando in questi giorni da finire alcuni progetti che ho avuto in mente, metà completati o in pezzi. Tra questi sono tre teste di cui sono stata pensando per mesi.